
Nibiru/PlanetX 🔴Incredible Sky, Red and Huge Objects showing⚠️

Nibiru/PlanetX 🔴Incredible Sky, Red and Huge Objects showing⚠️ Video footage of that incredible day.
Please keep looking up. This is getting weirder by the day. Something HUGE is in our sky.
It does seem to be very close now, how close I can only guess.
If you watch Dr. Claudia Albers, she reckons it is in our atmosphere. We don't all have to agree with everything what others are saying because I believe no one truly knows exactly what this system is. Here's a link to her latest video:

- Look up, your deliverance IS drawing near, Jesus told us that we would see signs in the sun, moon and stars before His return. Lift up your head in confidence.
Luke 21
Mark 13
Matthew 24
Joel 2
Acts 2
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, Amen!

Music: Unfoldment, Revealment, Evolution, Exposition, Integration Chris Zabriskie

Nbiru,PlanetX,incredible sky,Red object,Huge object,unbelievable,sky pictures,untravelled road,never seen before,out of this world,race,Jesus Christ,look up,unseen,mysterious,cars,space,ship,tunes,

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