
FIGURE IT OUT MAP (Object show/oc)

FIGURE IT OUT MAP (Object show/oc) Hey so it’s my first map!

-It’s an object oc/fandom map only (ocs are great! Object shows are great as well!)
-not first come first serve, I’ll pick whoever seems best fit, please don’t get upset if I don’t pick you :)
-no watermarks please!
-you have to use the color pallet, it’s required :)
-small gore is okay, just don’t make it super excessive (no self harm, killing all that stuff) blood is fine and that’s about it, small amounts though
-no nudity- pleaseee :(
-don’t watermark your part! I’ll make sure to add it in the final version, it’s okay :)
-tweening is okay! Just please make sure there’s enough movement, frame by frame is also awesome!!
-please leave a 3 second space of nothing- no audio- no drawings or animations before your part starts and after, cause of my editing program :)
-no stealing or tracing others art/animations!!
-questions are awesome! I’ll be sure to answer them to the best of my ability.
-if you want to use a slightly different color for one part, ask me :)
-up to 3 parts a person!
-you have 3 weeks to complete your part! An extra week extension is allowed but only if you ask me first and give me a reason (if it’s just that you were not wanting to do it, that’s ok, you don’t need to lie- I’ll still extend it :D)
-no words in the background, or written in your parts (unless it’s like on the object, or a note (etc just check with me)
-all styles are allowed :))
-comment “leafy is beefy” in the front of your comment so I made sure you read all of the rules

Ok, down to parts!
Part 1-
Part 2-
Part 3-
Part 4-
Part 5-
Part 6-
Part 7-
Part 8- cinnaplum
Part 9-
Part 10-
Part 11-
Part 12- cloud paws
Part 13-
Part 14-
Part 15-
Part 16-
Part 17-
Part 18-
Part 19-
Part 20-
Part 21-
Part 22-
Part 23-
Part 24-
Part 25-
Part 26-
Part 27-

Song is Figure it out by Beachtape


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