

People have been DECEIVING ME ALL MY LIFE Hey people! Today Phil tell you his sad story. I
"t's kind of dramatic. The thing is, everyone cheats on me all the time. It concerns my relationships, money… Actually, it concerns everything I do.
It all started in my childhood... in the kindergarten. I joined the nursery group. I went to the kindergarten at 1,5. Mum raised me alone, so she had to work hard. But she didn't want me to have any problems. So, she asked the teacher to care for me more for extra money.
It was better with babysitter. She wasn't like Mary Poppins. But she knew her duties, according to the contract. She did everything, even when I didn't want to. I had to eat soup for dinner. It's not discussed! She could make me do it. But I was obedient. She didn't have any problems with me. But, when I was 6, she took her wages for three months and quit. Mum paid her in advance. Well, we didn't look for her. Firstly, she worked illegally, she was immigrant. econdly, I had to go to school soon.
I also had troubles at school. Classmates spoilt my life. I met a lot of bad people in my life. Despite this, I was still naïve. Most of people used it. Teachers gave me extra class duties. Classmates used my homework to copy. They didn't even say "thank you". Well, they also constantly took my lunch money. Sometimes they even took my lunch, when I took it with me. Of course, it's a little thing. But it was still a problem. Very unpleasant!
Well, the main thing happened during my final tests. I should pass them for going to high school. If I passed badly, I would finish my studies and go to technical school. It's not cool! So, I studied as much as I could. I had a good level. I had all chances to join the high school. She was walking around all the time. I didn't worry much. I prepared for it a lot and knew all the information. But I worried about my friends a little. Well, in vain! They could copy the test. They somehow took my answers. My so-called friends didn't even change anything.
As a result, the examiners got 3 identical works. If to be exact… two tests were identical. One was a little different. So, my friends were asked about who wrote off. They declared at once that they were preparing together. They pointed at me. You know... I didn't even try to defend myself.
Naturally, there was a trial. Their persistence played a decisive role. Of course, I wasn't expelled because of my previous achievements. But they didn't let me join the high school. My dreams broke down. So, I had to go to technical school. At least, I would have any kind of education.
I can't find a good job. Actually, I can't live a normal life 'cause they all cheat on me.
Even the girl, who swore she was in love with me… dated with her tutor. She did it secretly. She told me that she had extra classes with a tutor. But she was in love with him. However, she easily took gifts from me and kissed me on my cheek. I found it out by accident. I was just passing by her apartment. So, I decided to come to her and I saw them doing it. After that situation I decided to forget about love.
I'm only 18, I try to grow internally, develop like a person. But nothing changes in my life. If I can't live like other people… why should I live?
Dear friends, if you know how to get rid of this curse, comment, please. Like it, if it's not hard for you. I really can’t find a meaning in my life. I'm not kidding. I started to give up. Besides, let's be honest with each other and with others. Only honesty matters in our life.

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