
One to One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven

One to One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven Day 9
My name is Torrey Jones and I’m afraid of my own success. Are you apprehensive or an over thinker. Many people may be and not even know it. I didn’t discover this fear of success I had until somewhat recently.
It’s not conquered yet but it’s been identified and I’m dealing with it. More so than wanting to be great is I want to be me. A better version of me. What I’ve realized is I have something that separates me from the one percent of truly successful people in this world. Successful people are not afraid of failure which enhances all there successes. Failure only means learning to the top one percent while others look at it as a reflection of who they are. When we have a misstep in life, instead of learning how to improve we take the easy road to quit which affects our self esteem, ambition and ability to move about in the world as the free human beings we were designed to be.
My suggestion is find that gift you have that’s easy for you to do that’s been collecting dust and get back to it. Enhance it. Then begin to share it. If something goes “wrong” just look at it as an adjustment that has to be made, correct and move on.
If that thing you do is a value to others, capitalize on it financially but at the very least get reacquainted with it. Spend time with it. It’s a stress reliever, a motivator and the one thing you can do at a genius level.


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