Bodybuilding books did not help me to get big. Because the program in Dorian Yates books were for Bodybuilding steroids so I train natural so much harder I'm 49 years old this year still in gym and I do my passion. As job and I love it still being a trainer is great job been pt for 20 years now, I have written my book and my second one came out 2020 so books and Dorian Yates and Arnold Schwarzenegger to give me something to keep me going in 80-90 there was no personal trainer now 40% of fat now there is need for trainers in home gym and park because we eat too much shit and and don't exercise as much as need
#Bodybuilding #SCOTTBRYANT
Bodybuilding books I read in the nineties to help me and to inspire me train when I was young but..,Bodybuilding,Dorian Yates,Schwarzenegger,trainers,exercise,Arnold Schwarzenegger,Scott Bryant,nineties,Paul Chek,Joe rangan,