
Should Men and Women Train Differently?

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Should Men and Women Train Differently? - Thomas DeLauer

I've got good news for women. We've been doing a lot of research and we've started to figure out that women metabolize fuels quite a bit differently than men, which means that your training modality, your training style might have to change in order to accommodate this. So, let me start off with something really fascinating first. Believe it or not, women actually oxidize and utilize more fat as a fuel source than men do. Now, you might be wondering right now, wait a minute, that would mean that I'm losing a bunch of weight, where all my male counterparts are dropping weight like crazy and I'm here struggling.

The first study that I to reference was published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Okay. It took a look at women and men and wanted to find out just overall exercise metabolism and what was different.

Well, get ready to have your mind blown. I'm going to start off with something wild. It found that women oxidize more lipids than men, and they oxidize less carbohydrates and protein than men.

Guess what? Studies have shown that adrenaline burns more fat in women than it does in men. It's so wild. Okay. So, this again could tell us that during a period of exercise, women actually utilize more fat.

It doesn't mean you're losing more weight, not necessarily. Now during fasting, we could also find this too, right? Fasting women might actually have more of a fat loss benefit because they're getting more pound for pound from that adrenaline than men are. But now the big question that we have to look at.

And bear with me because as we get through this video, I will give you the breakdown of how I think you should orient your training, but we have to get through this stuff first.

The European Journal of Endocrinology published a study found that women have higher levels of insulin-like growth factor, which is a big driver for muscle, and two to three times more growth hormone than men.

Meaning it is those hormones that are driving muscle development and muscle building in women, whereas maybe testosterone plays a role in men but not so much in women right now.

Now when we look at training, and now we're going to get into this breakdown here, there's a study that was published in Experimental Physiology that found that when women trained at moderately high intensities, they developed more type I muscle fibers, whereas men develop more type IIA. This is where our genetic blueprint probably comes into play.

Women are more about just consistency and long duration and not burning out. Women can actually withstand a lot more than men as far as just overall volume and just stamina goes, right?

So I like to say you feed the stallion and you starve the pony. Okay. If you always focus on trying to improve your weak points, you never give yourself an opportunity to grow where you're really, really good and will probably get the most success out of your life.

In fact, the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance published a study that found that women recover faster, and they can handle more volume.

So they took a look at a bunch of bench press models and things like that, and they found that ultimately men needed like 48 hours between maximal lifts, whereas women could go four to 24 hours. It's just crazy, like women can actually handle more now.

Now, who knows where this all comes from, but we do have a little bit of a theory based on some research we've looked at, and I'll end on this. When we look at any kind of evolutionary standpoint, even back just a thousand years, anything like that, we find that women generally were carrying relatively heavy loads for longer periods of time.


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