In this quick video you will learn how to build a compost bin with free material (pallets) and how to compost easy. I’ll share composting tips, how the process works and how to get started today.
Why composting is important What materials are needed for composting What is a Hot Pile vs. Cold Pile What is the difference between a compost bin vs. a tumbler How to build a compost pile from pallets How to get started today
This can be used in your home to collect scraps and prevent smells - Highly reviewed and fairly inexpensive tumbler if you go that route - Compost Starter - compost Thermometer - Compostable Trashbags - Compostable coffee filters - Simple wire compost bin if you don’t want to build your own - Let it Rot - Gardeners guide to composting - Compostable Coffee Filters that We Use -
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