
Top 9 Lies of Venture Capitalists - Part I

Top 9 Lies of Venture Capitalists - Part I Fox Robbins Business Show tackles the subject of approaching venture capitalists for money, which can be a daunting task for entrepreneurs. Right off the bat we have to make a distinction between "seed money" and "venture capital." The point is that you do not go to venture capital groups for the very 1st dollar bill for your business start-up. That 1st dollar has to come from your own pocket or from family, friends, neighbors or even "angel investors."
The latter are typically includes one or two of three investors who are ready, willing and able to accept the very high risk of starting a new venture and "getting in on the ground floor." Then, you visit venture capital groups when the new start-up starts to gather some momentum and has a track record to share. However, approaching venture capital people is tricky and difficult and the author of these back-to-back episodes has good advice on understanding and interpreting the exchange with a venture capitalist.

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