
The Restoration period বাংলা |History of Restoration Age in English Literature |The Age of Dryden

The Restoration period বাংলা |History of Restoration Age in English Literature |The Age of Dryden The Restoration period বাংলা History of Restoration Age in English LiteratureThe Age of Dryden
The restoration of monarchy was remarkable in this period. The English literay tradition was re-established in this period. So this period is called the Restortion period.

It began in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under King Charles II. ... The term Restoration is used to describe both the actual event by which the monarchy was restored, and the period of several years afterwards in which a new political settlement was established.

The Restoration refers to the restoration of the monarchy when Charles II was restored to the throne of England following an eleven-year Commonwealth period during which the country was governed by Parliament under the direction of the Puritan General Oliver Cromwell.
Restoration. Restoration, Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles II as king (1660–85) following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which established a strict Anglican orthodoxy.

Restoration literature is the English literature written during the historical periodcommonly referred to as the English Restoration (1660–1689), which corresponds to the last years of Stuart reign in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
Industralization developed in this period in England.The printing press was made free in order to enjoy the freedom of writing. The Bill of rights was apporoved in 1689.Royal society was set up in order to encourge scientific research.
Milton, John Bunyan, John Dryden and William Congrive were powerful and influential writers in this period.Paradise lost, Samson Agonistses, The way of the World,Pilgrim’s Progress, Absalom and Achitophel are some remarkable creations of this age. The major literary works of the age were sataric.

• 1660: Restoration–Charles II, Stuart monarchy
• 1662: Royal Society established
• 1685: James, Duke of York, succeeds his brother Charles II
• 1688: Glorious Revolution–James II deposed, William and Mary share the English throne
• 1689: Bill of Rights–limits crown, affirms supremacy of Parliament
• 1689: Toleration Act–religious freedom for dissenters
• 1690: John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding
• 1707: Act of Union–England and Scotland for Great Britain
• 1745: Last Jacobite uprisi

Restoration literature is the English literature written during the historical period commonly referred to as the English Restoration(1660–1689), which corresponds to the last years of Stuart reign in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. In general, the term is used to denote roughly homogenous styles of literature that center on a celebration of or reaction to the restored court of Charles II. It is a literature that includes extremes, for it encompasses both Paradise Lost and the Earl of Rochester's Sodom, the high-spirited sexual comedy of The Country Wife and the moral wisdom of The Pilgrim's Progress. It saw Locke's Treatises of Government, the founding of the Royal Society, the experiments and holy meditations of Robert Boyle, the hysterical attacks on theaters from Jeremy Collier, and the pioneering of literary criticism from John Dryden and John Dennis. The period witnessed news become a commodity, the essay develop into a periodical art form, and the beginnings of textual criticism.

The Restoration period বাংলা History of Restoration Age in English LiteratureThe Age of Dryden,The Restoration period বাংলা,The Age of Dryden,restoration age in english literature in hindi,Age of Dryden,Restoration period,History of Restoration,jhon milton,bunyun,dryden,william congreve,

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