
New York Time Square footage speeded up and slowed down

New York Time Square footage speeded up and slowed down Hidden truths that are evidenced, and so up for inspection by soul that cares to examine what is here presented.

Increasingly we are seeing the spewing out of the mouth of devils, such as the Media and Government of created stories for the gullible to follow, and follow they do because easiest way through life no questioning of things unless souls really have to.

All videos cost nothing but time and effort and a few shillings which is nothing. Because we are seeking to publish the truth behind the scheming Media a.nd those of corrupt Government, it is our policy that we should fund our efforts on account that we have taken it in hand to create videos.

Because You Tube continues to attack my channels, around twelve so far, this the last in that long list, please accept that if this channel is struck out it is the norm.

I hope to invest in my own website as soon as I have the time off to do so, and so avoiding channels being taken down, and the time again employed in up-loading material.


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