The best time to do affirmation is before you fall asleep and as soon as you woke up. Also, anytime you need to feel supported.
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I know that the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life.
I radiate love to high quality people.
I allow myself to feel comfortable with high quality people.
I sincerely wish for them success and all good things.
The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind will reveal to me the ideal home.
My ideal home is in a lovely environment.
My ideal home meets with all of my requirements.
My ideal home is harmonized with my resources.
I am now turning this request over to my subconscious mind.
I know my subconscious mind will respond to my request.
I release this request with absolute belief and confidence in the same way as I deposit its seed in the ground.
I believe in the laws of the Universe.
My subconscious mind knows all things.
My subconscious mind knows where my true home is.
And now I know my subconscious mind will reveal it to me where it is.
My subconscious mind will always answer when I allow myself to believe.
I now turn this request over to the subconscious mind.
My subconscious mind knows where it is, and it reveals it to me.
I allow my subconscious mind to answer.
I order my subconscious mind to seek to succeed.
I flow with my subconscious mind by being calm and confident.
I am going to think, speak, and act according to the principle of harmony and peace within myself.
Everytime I say “relax,” I remember these entire affirmations at once subconsciously.
Everytime I listen to these affirmations, these ideas become stronger and stronger.
I thank for all the blessing I have, and for all the blessing I am receiving.
Everyday, and in every way, I am becoming better and better.
(Inspired by autosuggestion of Émile Coué. Modified and translated by Haruka Japanese Accent.)
I am lucky to be alive.
Thank you for being here.
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