This is from my online course, Ultimate Guide To Hacking IELTS, on preparing IELTS the smart way. Full course here:
If there is one takeaway for you to take from it, it is that writing is all about the STRUCTURE.
No matter what essay topic you get, if you know the exact structure you are supposed to follow, everything falls into place pretty smoothly.
In IELTS, you only get two types of essays; I call them 2-Sides Essay and 1-Side Essay.
A 2-Sides Essay can be in the form of advantages/disadvantages, agree/disagree, or positive/negative effects.
A 1-Side Essay, on the other hand, asks you to give reasons and/or solutions.
In the video below, I am sharing with you how to approach any 2-Sides Essay to make the writing process extremely simple (almost enjoyable, I dare say!).
So brace yourself, get a notebook to make notes, and hope to see you nail IELTS Writing out-of-the-f***ing-park!