Today I would like to share with you how to use the following words:
someone, somebody, somewhere, something,
anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere,
no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere.
Someone, anyone, no one
I hear someone sing.
Do you hear anyone sing?
I don’t hear anyone sing.
I hear no one sing.
Somebody, anybody, nobody
I met somebody there.
Did you met anybody there?
I didn’t meet anybody there.
I met nobody there.
Something, anything, nothing
I see something there.
Do you see anything there?
I don’t see anything there.
I see nothing there.
Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere
I want to go somewhere.
Do I want to go anywhere?
I don’t want to go anywhere there.
I want to go nowhere.
Make 1 question and 1 negative sentences from the following sentences.
I want to eat something.
We meet someone on the street.
We need to go somewhere.
Somebody knock the door.
Please watch the video for more detail.
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