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SNEAKY Way To Get More Hits EASILY!! (They’ll Never See It Coming) In today's video Coach Justin from Ultimate Baseball Training will show you a sneaky way to get more hits easily. You'll catch the defense sleeping, get on base more often, and help your team win.
And no, I’m not talking about the new rule in the Atlantic League that allows players to steal first base on any pitch that isn’t caught by the catcher. I’m talking about laying down a drag bunt.
So what is a drag bunt?
A drag bunt can be done by either a right-handed or left-handed hitter. Instead of squaring around early like you would on a sacrifice bunt, this is a bunt that is shown very late, catching the pitcher and the defense off guard. You’re essentially beginning your sprint towards first base while simultaneously laying a bunt down. With a drag, your goal is to keep the ball close to the line. You’re not bunting it past anyone.
When is a good time to drag bunt?
Typically when a right-handed pitcher is on the mound, because his momentum makes him fall off on the first base side. It's also great to drag bunt when they are least expecting it or when you’re personally struggling to get on base. Lastly, if your team is struggling to get any baserunners, you might think about laying one down.
A few things you want to avoid are:
You never want to bunt the ball back to the pitcher. This is an easy out. You want to pinch the bunt as close to the line as possible. Think fair or foul. It’s better to have it go foul and have one strike on you then to bunt it back to the pitcher.
You never want to pop it up. Again, this is an easy out for the catcher or pitcher. Make sure you get the bunt down.
So how do you actually do it the right way?
For a right-handed hitter, position your back foot at the point of the plate. From there, you simply set the angle of your bat and simultaneously drop your right foot back. Your feet and shoulders should be facing the first base path. You want the end of your bat facing towards the first base coach. Get the bunt down before taking off running. Remember, we’re just catching the ball with the bat. Don’t push the bat.
For a left-handed hitter, the position in the box stays the same. It should be more of a traditional bunt for you. The same rules apply. You want to try to get your feet and shoulders going towards the direction of first base.