A fraction can represent an amount less than one whole, one whole, or more than one whole. When a fraction is less than 1, the numerator is less than the denominator. When a fraction is equal to 1, the numerator and denominator are the same number. When a fraction is greater than 1, the numerator is greater than the denominator. A whole can be divided into any number of equal parts. As long as all the parts are all there, it will equal 1 whole. If two numbers are located at the same point on a number line, they are equal and represent the same distance from 0. We talk about denominators of one. We draw a model of a given fraction. We identify which fractions name the parts that are shaded in a picture.
3rd Grade Math Playlist (2015)
I'm using the Houghton Mifflin Go Math! 2015 copyright textbook for this playlist.