
Why It's Pointless To Ask WWE To Cancel Their Saudi Arabia Shows

Why It's Pointless To Ask WWE To Cancel Their Saudi Arabia Shows Why It's Pointless To Ask WWE To Cancel Their Saudi Arabia Shows

Yes, WWE is putting on another Saudi Arabia show on June 9th. However, some sports entertainment fans are asking whether they should.

In this video, we look at why it's pointless to ask that question and cite why fans themselves should not watch the show if they have an issue with it.

We also look at who is booked for the show and potential matches including Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, The Undertaker, Kofi Kingston, Seth Rollins, and more.

Rassslin Rantin
Why It's Pointless To Ask WWE To Cancel Their Saudi Arabia Shows

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Why Its Pointless To Ask WWE To Cancel Their Saudi Arabia Shows,WWE Saudi Arabia,Crown Jewel,Vince McMahon,fans,Rassslin Rantin,news,rumors,commentary,Saudi shows,cancel,WWE Network,Brock Lesnar,Goldberg,The Undertaker,Kofi Kingston,WrestleTalk,Seth Rollins,WWE Championship,WWE Universal Championship,

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