1. Everyone has a good idea about the decisions and actions they are responsible for.
2. Key information about context travels to leadership quickly.
3. Once decisions are made they are rarely second guessed.
4. Information flows freely across organizational boundaries.
5. Field and line staff usually have the information they need to understand the bottom-line impact of their day-to-day choices.
Let’s look at what these dynamics lead to in an organization that demonstrates these traits.
The application of best practices and relevant responses happen when everyone has a good idea about the decisions and actions they are responsible for and the key information about context is flowing to the proper places.
Staff have essential awareness when key information about context is combined with proper cross-organization information flows.
Staff can take confident initiative and informed action when they understand that their decisions will rarely be second guessed and they have the information to understand how their day-to-day choices affect the organization’s objectives.
Cultivating these conditions in any organization will strengthen its ability to make its strategies a reality.