Welcome to the first gameplay of Borderlands 3, where we'll be playing as Amara going through the story mission Hostile Takeover. Unfortunately, nearly all of my footage was corrupted, so I had to play the mission over again, meaning I had to go a bit fast in order to get it all done in time. I'm really bummed, trust me, especially because I got 2 LEGENDARIES during the run. One of them dropped from the final boss of this mission, which, spoilers btw, was an acid SMG that whenever you finished a magazine, you threw the gun and spawn a brain-spider turret that chases targets and explodes on them. Yeah.
Sign up to be a Borderlands VIP here: and don't forget to create a SHiFT account to be able to redeem rewards for Borderlands (you'll do this if you sign up for VIP, it's free to do both). Also, check out the Borderlands Twitch Extension where you can get chances to get loot just by watching streams (I think only I need the extension, but idk, just check it out anyway). And by streams, I mean my stream. Where I think I'm streaming from around 11am-1pm US West, today, May 1st.
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