
Was 2019 a good year? || questions to reflect on for the past year

Was 2019 a good year? || questions to reflect on for the past year was 2019 a good year for you??

let's reflect upon the past year together!! In this video I answer about 20 questions to reflect on for the past year (try to answer them with me and comment your answers down below!!)
I think that it's extremely important to have an overview of how we did in the last year so that we can determine our starting point for the new year and kill it!!
Ready to reflect upon 2019 with me?

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- WHO AM I? -

I'm a soul who's trying to experience as fully and as beautifully as possible the human life experience on this planet.
Subscribe if you love questioning things and discussing about life.

what are the things that bring you joy?
what raises emotions within yourself?
what are the experiences that made you grow?
what improved the quality of your life?

Everything you need is already within yourself.
be kind
be joyful
simply be

20 questions to reflect & plan for the new year,20 questions to reflect on for the past year,end of 2019: questions to reflect on,how was 2019 for you?,how was your 2019,questions to reflect on,questions to reflect on 2019,questions to reflect on for the past year,questions to reflect on for the year 2019,questions to reflect on the past year,was 2019 a good year?,

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