
Unboxing Carpe Diem the Spiel nominated board game from Stefan Feld published by Alea & Ravensburger

Unboxing Carpe Diem the Spiel nominated board game from Stefan Feld published by Alea & Ravensburger A live unboxing video of the latest Alea board game Carpe Diem designed by one of my favourite board game designers, Stefan Feld. This tile drafting board game was published by Ravensburger.

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Disclosure: Some links in this post are affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ravensburger provided me with a review copy, no other compensation was provided.


Introduction from the rule book:

Rome, 1 B.C. As influential patricians, you set out to improve your city districts.

Profitable buildings and beautiful landscapes will make sure your part of the
city will prosper.

While you do, make sure to adhere to the motto of “carpe diem”. Seize the
day by harvesting grapes and catching fish, then sell these wares on the
market to make money. Build proper dwellings for your servants and they
will be more diligent and more productive. And don’t forget your own villa! It

will gain you a lot of prestige.

Turn by turn you will try to get various building tiles to add to your district,
and build more and more buildings and landscapes. Over four scoring periods
your accomplishments will be turned into victory points.

The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.


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Tabletop Bellhop,Tabletopbellhop,Boardgames,Board Games,Board Gaming,Tabletop,Tabletop Games,Games,unboxing,board game unboxing,boardgameunboxing,what's in the box,carpe diem,Carpe Diem Stefan Feld,Stefan Feld,Alea,Ravensburger,

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