
This GENERATION will see JESUS RETURN! (The Fig Tree)

This GENERATION will see JESUS RETURN! (The Fig Tree) The FIG TREE GENERATION! Wake up sound the alarm brothers & sisters, JESUS IS COMING!

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Jesus is coming soon! We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus & spread the Good News of the Gospel to every Creature! 🙌🏻💯❤️

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Jesus is coming soon, if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart as your personal savior! Ask now!! It’s very simple..

“Dear Jesus I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior... I believe you died on the cross for my sins... I ask you to forgive me of all my sin, cleanse me of all unrighteousness, I REPENT I Put all my trust into you! Come into my heart to be my personal savior.. AMEN”

Simple as that Love you all ! ❤️

Jesus,Repent,Fig tree Generation,Rapture,Judgement,Tribulation,Antichrist,Word,God,Fast,Soon,Love,Seeking Wisdom,Dream,Holy,Spirit,Endtimes,Warning,Fig Tree,Prophesy,Revelation,

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