
Popup Camera Future in 2020 - 7 Actual Problem with it

Popup Camera Future in 2020 - 7 Actual Problem with it Many mobile smartphones like Realme xt, Oneplus 7 pro, Redmi k20, K20 pro etc comes with Popup selfie camera. Viewers always ask me that what problem faced with popup camera in future and why many flagship smartphones not using popup selfie camera in mobile. In this video i talked about why recently smartphones not comes with pup camera example like realme xt, galaxy a50s etc and 7 problems with popup selfie camera in mobile and what is the future in 2020.

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Popup Camera Future in 2020,problems with popup selfie camera mobile,realme x vs realme xt,redmi k20 camera,galaxy a50s vs realme xt,camera test,popup selfie camera problem in hindi,popup selfie camera mobile,pop up selfie phone,popup selfie camera in 2020,

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