
Make Pain Go Away! Only YOU Can Give Yourself The Opportunity. Turn Pain Into A Pulsing Vibrant Life

Make Pain Go Away! Only YOU Can Give Yourself The Opportunity. Turn Pain Into A Pulsing Vibrant Life HOW MUCH TIME TO REACH SUCCESS

Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scam.  To be successful you will need to devote 12 months of your life to get a handle on a better life and the friggin dollars.  Are you prepared to give over one year of your life?

One year of your life is a tiny part of your 80-100 years.  BUT… this one year will have you happier, wealthier and the pain will be gone!   

I promise you I am the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.  I am so proud that I gave myself the real opportunity to break out of the underdog chains I was born with.  Will you give yourself the chance?


 WHAT the Black Friday special is. You can get an ENTIRE year of Wealthy Affiliate Premium (the best of the best) for $299.  That works out to be less than $0.82 per day

$299 per year.  No upsells, just the pure knowledge to grow a fun and passive income business in any niche or interest you want.

This is a steal and your best and easiest decision for 2019.  Opportunity Knocks LOUDLY.  Will you hear it this time?


Wealthy Affiliate will give you the CORE foundation and the knowledge of how to have and run your own online business.  This is so precious.  A solid base, foundation and understanding of the “how to”, the knowledge.  I learned all of this from the Wealthy Affiliate people who know and share the “how to”. 

This is the cool part, after only one year of pure determination and gutsiness I am armed with real core knowledge. Now I am able to take advantage of the many other opportunities that present themselves in the online world. 


A bit about Dean Graziosi.  Dean has partnered with Tony Robbins (both Teacher’s Extraordinaire) to spread the word that “knowledge is the new currency”.   By that I mean that acquiring knowledge and putting it into action is the way forward  to a better handle on life and the friggin dollars.

Ninety percent of us were born underdogs (I certainly was) and that includes both Dean and Tony.  When they were kids Dean lived in trailer parks and Tony was never sure where his next meal was coming from.   Amazing but TRUE.

Dean’s book is about harnessing our somewhat broken energy and turning it into the fuel to discover our unacknowledged talent and sharing it to help others.  

Quick example:  When the worst thing happened to me as a senior, (looming foreclosure) I had to do something.  I took on the challenge to bring in $$$’s by starting my own online business.  

What I DISCOVERED is I have a talent for writing and I have an ability to understand, have empathy with others who are facing  their worst circumstance.  I know how to help them because I helped myself.  

Dean’s new book will teach and help you how to discover your unknown talent, how to share it to help others and make $$$’s for your willingness to share what you know with others.  

Dean’s book  launch offer is that he will give you the hard cover book for free if you pay the nominal postage and handling. Generous offer - he always gives value!    


Dean's book, The Underdog Advantage, Wealthy Affiliate Platform and my free Elite Winning Mindset will arm you with powerful weapons to take the pain away.

Thanks for reading. I really would appreciate your comments and feedback.

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment and sharing your journey with the rest of us.

Also, don’t forget to share this article if you found it helpful.

Lovely chatting with you.

Cheers Jill


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