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No matter if you’re shy or an introvert, you can develop the right communication skills to build meaningful friendships and deepen your connections with people. This subliminal brainwave meditation is designed to help you with that.
Making connections with others is easy, but you might have negative programming that says it’s difficult. Or that you believe it’s intimidating to get closer to others and you’d just rather protect yourself. Or maybe you're afraid you have nothing to offer and "why would anyone want to be friends with me"? This is just a bunch of negative patterns that have been accumulated to a point that's preventing you to take action.
But being disconnected is actually working against your nature. We are social creatures, and as such, we are hardwired to seek each other out. We have an innate need to relate to one another and communicate our thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
Whether you are afraid of making connections, or just need to work on your communications skills, this subliminal recording is for you.
The base frequencies are 787 Hz and 432 Hz with 7.83 Hz Isochronic pulses Schumann resonance. The Isochronic tones are played only during the 1st hour.
*Headphones are recommended to maximize results*
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The affirmations ('you' and 'I' statements)
I allow myself to be vulnerable with the right people
I feel good about myself
I am fine just the way I am
I allow other people to get closer to me
I feel safe making connections with other people
I am ready to open my heart and let the right people in
It’s easy for me to bond with others
I am happy and excited to make connections with people
I let go of the need to impress others
I enjoy getting to know people
It’s my natural right to feel comfortable around others
I have a right to take up space and be myself
I easily express my authentic self with others
My communications skills are getting better and better
It’s easy for me to make close connections with people
People are drawn to me
I am a great listener
I am good at adding value to people
I am good at building deeper connections with others
I am genuinely interested in other people
I am curious to truly get to know people and listen to their stories
I pay attention to what people say to me
*Subliminal Messages are hidden commands that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so. In other words, subliminal exposure speaks directly to our subconscious mind.
Each recording on this channel contains different subliminal affirmations that match the subject of the specific video and background music to induce deep relaxation.