If you have problems with excessive thinking or overthinking, anxiety, racing thoughts or any other manner of emotional issues, this law of attraction meditation music will help you calm down your thoughts, quiet your mind. It will help you with staying under emotional control and focus for the start of practicing meditation. In no time, you will be in control of your thoughts and your emotions and you will be able to redirect them to beneficial, pleasant, happiness and you will be able to start reaping the benefits of the Law of attraction: you will be happier, at peace, more successful and overall more satisfied with your life !
This meditation music will surely help you diminish your anxiety and overthinking habit but you need to put law of attraction meditation into practice, so your overthinking habits and fears will be gone forever in few weeks of putting law of attraction into practice.
While listening visualize the changes happening for the 1st 10 minutes then you may play the tracks in loop and fall asleep to it. It is important to remain focused during the initial 10 minutes. Headphones are optional. When you use the same music every time for couple of weeks, the music itself will act as an anchor cue to trigger deepest level of meditative state in just few seconds.
Please read detailed guide on how to practice law of attraction through visualization meditation from our website:
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Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power
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Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body's balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. Basic theory here is “If you believe you can, you will”. Positive Visualization is the key to success with the secret law of attraction meditation.
Sound awakes you, Sound changes your mood, Sound makes you happy, Sound relaxes you, now feel the power of sound to heal you and awaken you. Certain healing frequencies and rhythmic sound waves has the positive energy to heal the Body, Mind and Soul. If we combine this further with our visualization power, we can manifest that superpower.
All rights reserved. © Copyright of Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd. Company Registered In England & Wales No - 12237103. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying, re-uploading or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. This applies to all the music, graphics and written context produced by us. You are allowed to embed our videos into websites.
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#MeditationMusic #VisualizationMeditation #LawOfAttraction