Rebecca Coales is a former competitive breath-hold swimmer who brings her experience in breath training to endurance sports.
She encourages nose breathing during physical exercise for greater efficiency and oxygen. Yes, that's right - getting more oxygen by breathing less! If you've tried this, you'll know it can feel a bit uncomfortable, and this is where the training that Rebecca did as a 5x UK record holder comes into play.
By training your tolerance to carbon dioxide you avoid getting out of breath. Those suffering from exercise-induced asthma will find nose breathing helps to reduce symptoms.
Rebecca is an Oxygen Advantage instructor (taught by author Patrick McKeown) and yoga teacher.
To test your breathlessness and try some restorative techniques for free go to www.bit.ly/breathecourse. Rebecca's website is www.sportrestoreyoga.co.uk.
If you have any questions or queries or examples of you using the breathing technique Rebecca talks about, please do leave a question in the comments section below and Rebecca has kindly offered to answer the questions.
And if you are really nice, we can get Rebecca back onto the show to talk more about your questions and other relevant topics to help us to enjoy our running more and so becoming better runners.
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#breathing #oygen #restorative