

ACTIVE SHOOTER ENGAGEMENT In an active shooter situation where many people are in the area, mass chaos will ensue as they run away or run for cover. If you are fortunate enough to not be shot initially, moving to cover before drawing a weapon will ensure safety and not alarm the shooter you have a weapon.

Once your weapon is drawn from behind cover, it is best to address the assailant from a position where you are not expected. In the event the shooter is waiting for you to expose yourself.

If you engage the shooter and experience a weapon malfunction, be sure to keep a visual on the suspect while reloading from behind cover. Otherwise, the suspect may displace and engage you from a position you are not prepared for. Keep your head, utilize cover and engage the suspect from your position when you are comfortable making the shot and your weapon is most effective.

Keep Safe

defense,have a plan,safety,security,crime,fight,ccw,training,retired pd,law enforcement,attack,save lives,

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