
A Special and Extremely Committed Person: Farewell Lecture by Stephan Klasen

A Special and Extremely Committed Person: Farewell Lecture by Stephan Klasen More than 250 guests from all over the world paid tribute to Prof. Dr. h.c. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D. after his farewell lecture on 16 November 2019 in the Alfred-Hessel-Saal of the Paulinerkirche. Stephan Klasen has been Professor of Development Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics since 2003. He conducts research on issues of poverty, inequality, the environment and gender in developing countries. Born in 1966, he retires prematurely because he has been suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) since 2015 and is severely restricted in language and mobility.

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Universität Göttingen,Göttingen,Klasen,Stephan Klasen,Economics,Development Economics,Farewell Lecture,

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