
7 Proven Tactics to Double Your Lead Generation (Without Spending a Dime) (made with Spreaker)

7 Proven Tactics to Double Your Lead Generation (Without Spending a Dime) (made with Spreaker) Source:

1. Get Referrals from Existing Clients

Any time one of my clients tells me that they’re struggling to find or close new leads, I always ask them one question…

“How many times have you asked for referrals in the past 30 days?”

We now have an outstanding team that we trust and rely on to take care of things while we are away. This is true freedom! Thank you for your part in our personal and business transformations! We will be forever grateful!” – Darren, nutrition coach

2. Get Even More Referrals from Partners and “Competitors”

After tapping into your existing client base to find new clients, turn your sights toward partners AND competitors–individuals or businesses in the same industry but that offer complimentary services (e.g. a relationship coach and a business coach) but that might also have under-served customers.

3. Use My Instagram Social Story Selling System

In 2018, I made more money from Instagram than I did from any other platform including my email list (although we still did pretty well there).

How did I do this?


4. Stretch Your Content as Far as It Will Go

One of the biggest mistakes that I see online entrepreneurs making in 2019 is that they fail to leverage their content to its fullest capacity.

Here’s what I mean…

When I create a video for Instagram TV, I don’t just create a video for IG TV.

People who should listen to this show are online marketers


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