
Sri Kira Explore The Mysteries: Shifting Timelines and How to MAXIMIZE the shift!

Sri Kira Explore The Mysteries: Shifting Timelines and How to MAXIMIZE the shift! Broadcasting from From New Dehli India! It is the moment to dive in and LEARN HOW TO SHIFT TIMELINES AND MAXIMIZE THE SHIFT while IDENTIFYING THE TRIGGERS that try to keep you stuck!

The November Full Moon Illumination carrying the mixed blessing of clarity and revelation, has added to the intensity of the ever so close New Moon! This energy is already pulling you...strongly!

November rapidly is bringing all the choices before you to a Vast culmination that will call upon your Ascended Presence! The Mastery of the Illumination and the Choice that you will discover before you by the end of the month will assist you to FULLY EMPOWER your Ascended MASTERY PRESENCE!

This weekend Sri & Kira offer two VALUABLE TRAINING SESSIONS that offer a depth of information to assist you to navigate this moment...and your choice...with success!

The secret?

Learning how to Shift timelines with conscious awareness and Identifying the triggers that seek to stop you from saying YES to your life!

Part 1, Learning to Shift Timelines
On Sri & Kira Live! Nov 24, Part 2, Identifying the triggers block your mastery!

DISCOVER MORE! Read the article, "Beyond Triggers: The Joy of Self-Ascension" by Sri and Kira HERE:

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Explore the Mysteries! Saturday 1pm PT USA
Sri & Kira LIVE: The Voice of Passionate Action! Sunday Noon PT USA
Soul Mirrors, Be Amazed! Thursday 5pm PT USA

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