
Should I use a queen excluder under my honey supers?

Should I use a queen excluder under my honey supers?
Having a cold front move into Southern Louisiana in late July is as much a common occurrence as the Dirt Rooster finding a queen while doing a cut out.....unless his dad points her out to him. And with the unlikelihood of either one of those events happening, we actually got a cold front move all the way down here at the tail end of July, a very welcome oddity while enduring daily temps in the upper 90's for weeks. To celebrate this welcome reprieve, I decided to finish cleaning our honey supers that were stacked on the back porch of the honey house.

The main reasons to clean the supers was to collect the wax cappings, remove the propolis from the edges of the boxes. and most importantly, to separate frames that only had honey in them from frames that had honey and brood laid in them. The reason this was important to do is because the wax moths prefers comb that brood had been laid in to comb that only honey was stored in. By separating the two types of frames, there would be less damage to the drawn out comb.

It was while separating out the frames and counting the number of frames that brood had been laid in compared to ones that only honey was stored in, that my reasons for not using queen excluders got confirmation.

Now I'm sorry every video I post is not an action packed wrangling adventure, but sometimes, for me, taking a break from all the wrangling and the bee stings is a welcome relief.... just like that cold front was. Oh yeah, you might want to stay and check out the very end of the video, I think you will be amused. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed

Should I use a queen excluder under my honey supers?,bees,honey bee,queen bees,queen excluders,plastic queen excluders,metal queen excluders,propolis,wax moths,honey comb,brood comb,hive tools,wax cappings,collecting bees wax,honey supers,brood supers,snakes,teaching children,FFA groups,observation hives,pranks,scaring kids with a prank,cold fronts,low humidity,cleaning bee boxes,feeding bees honey,all about queen excluders,honey houses,

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