
Postures harmful and favorable to my body-mind

Postures harmful and favorable to my body-mind Postures harmful and favorable to my body-mind
1. Postures during the day
1) Lying posture, sitting posture, standing posture, walking posture
2) There are harmful and favorable postures to my body-mind
2. Harmful postures
1) Sitting postures
① On a chair or sofa
② Leaning down
③ With your legs crossed
④ At a desk: resting your chin on your hand, reclining, sleeping on your stomach
2) Lying position
① On the bed or on the floor
② Any postures to do something is harmful except for resting and sleep: TV/PC/SP/phone call/book reading, etc.
③ Sitting, on your sides or lying flat, on your face
3) Standing posture
① As putting your weight to the front foot
② That is, it feels like you are learning your body forward
4) Walking position
① You see the ground
② Looking around
③ Watching SP
3. Harmful postures are
1) It is comfortable when you are doing it
2) As you repeat it for a long time
① Tired
② Pain in the neck, shoulder, back, or all over the body
3) A vicious cycle of seeking for a comfortable posture
① You think it’s because the posture is not comfortable
② You look for more comfortable postures
③ You want a comfortable chair, cushion, neck cushion, bed, easy chair
④ No matter what you do, it just temporarily works; it becomes more uncomfortable and more tired
4. The postures that you feel comfortable causes tiredness and pain
1) In fact, comfortable postures are overworking postures
① As you maintain the posture, your body muscle is tense unconsciously
② Comfortable feeling does not mean your body is resting
③ When you tilt down on a sofa: muscle is tense since the posture doesn’t support the waist between your hips and back
2) What you do in a comfortable posture is not resting but brain overwork
① TV/PC/SP/Phone call/reading book, etc. is brain overwork
② Excessive thinking, trying to take a rest, trying to find devices that make you comfortable
③ Synergy of the body overwork and brain overwork
5. Favorable postures
1) Sitting posture
① Sit back deeply in the chair putting your hips, not back, on the back of the chair
② Let your back stay anywhere
③ Chair with backrest, without backrest, sofa, easy chair
④ You can sit with a proper sitting position
2) Separating lying and sitting
① You lie down only to rest and sleep: do not watch TV/PC/SP/ read book, or no phone call
② TV/PC/SP/book reading/phone call is brain activity that brings brain overwork
③ Do brain activities only in a sitting posture
3) You lie down only when you are sleepy, you can lie down freely
① Since lying posture makes you fall asleep right away, you can lie down as you are used to
② It’s alright to lie down straight, on your side, on your face
③ While you are in sleep, your body naturally makes the optimal lying posture
④ Just, support your neck and your head horizontal without raising it
⑤ Do not lie down to go to bed – because the attempt to sleep causes brain overwork
4) Standing posture
① You feel the body weight in the heel
② That is, it feels like your body is leaning back
5) Walking posture
① You fix your gaze a bit upper the direction you go
② Without looking around
③ Make body moves slowly and widely
6) It’s uncomfortable to maintain favorable postures to my body-mind
① It’s getting more comfortable as you do it
6. Posture is a daily activity that you do all the time. Try to practice postures that are favorable to my body-mind, but a bit uncomfortable. Within 1-2 weeks, my body will naturally find the real comfortable posture to me.

With Dr.U:

Who's Taiwoo Yoo, M.D.?
- Director With Dr.U
- Former Principal of the Family School Room at Seoul National University Medical School
- Former chief of family medicine at Seoul National University Hospital
- Former Seoul National University Hospital Health Promotion Center Senior Professor

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