
Modern Day Equality & Diversity on Display in the Chicago Suburbs of Oak Park

Modern Day Equality & Diversity on Display in the Chicago Suburbs of Oak Park Now more then ever we need your help keeping this channel producing REAL content for REAL people

In the most racist incident to happen in all of 2019, look to Oak Park, Ill., trustee Susan Buchanan, who was caught on tape berating her fellow board members for being white and male.
Arguing to adopt a new equity statement for the city of Oak Park, Buchanan lost her marbles and started telling the white men on the board they have no right to an opinion.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say!" she yelled. "Why do you have an opinion on equity? You have been white from birth...why are you arguing 'what is a system of oppression?' You've never experienced one. Just stop Dan. Stop Dino. You are not oppressed...You stop it. You are a white male."

Then she turned to a non-white male of Middle Eastern descent, Mayor Anan Abu-Taleb and said, "Your skin is white enough." Luckily for all of us, white woman Susan Buchanan is qualified, somehow, to decide whose skin color is light enough to make their opinions void.
According to this elected official, white male elected board members don't get to speak on behalf of their constituents based on the color of their skin, and nothing else. She, however, a white female board member, does.

Protests haven't happened. No one is calling for her resignation. This is the state of American politics now: open, blatant racism with no censure. Not only that, but Buchanan got her way and Oak Park, by a unanimous vote (including by the white guys who don't matter) passed their equity statement that is full of Marxist, feminist garbage.

We acknowledge intersectionality and the compounding effect of multiple forms of discrimination that many in our community experience. We affirm all people as members of the human family. Our goal is for people of widely differing backgrounds to do more than live next to one another. Through intentional interaction and fair treatment, we can respect our differences while fostering unity and developing a shared, intersectional vision for the future.
Prediction: This will mainly be used to put biological boys in the girls' locker room and on girls' sports teams, erasing women and setting women's rights back 100 years. Forward!

Link to Articles:

Oak Park,Illinois,Chicago suburb,Village Board meeting,Trustee Susan Buchanan,mayor,Anan Abu-Taleb,Gaza Strip,The Chicago Tribune,CBS Chicago,PJ Media,The Daily Caller,The Blaze,“Hate Has No Home Here”,

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