
MGTOW Will Grow Rapidly

MGTOW Will Grow Rapidly This is a Kurama/Itachi Reloaded old video. All his channels are no longer on YouTube. This channel serves as his archive. All credit goes to him.

0:00-1:02 People asking me all the time what's the future of MGTOW; I think MGTOW's gonna go rapidly whether guys even realize they are MGTOW or not, the same way that a lot of women are feminist and they don't know they're feminist; men are no obligated to get married anymore
1:03-2:50 Men are pumping and dumping more than ever; we're actually have more in common with pick-up artists than you think; most men don't know how to get married and keep a job; they just gonna be like 35-40 year old boys, like in the movie "Fight Club"
2:51-4:10 The next generations of men aren't even gonna know how to play the game because most of them would've come from a single mother household; I predict in the next 10-20 years, you gonna see nothing but single moms everywhere; you gonna have way more women working jobs/in the university than men
4:11-5:45 The point in this video is MGTOW will grow rapidly; MGTOW can only get bigger because men are getting treated worse everyday; at the end of the day, the want kids regardless; women crave that structure and that stability
5:46-7:25 Leaning on the government isn't enough for a woman, it doesn't fulfill that need; as men we are much more independent; they're gonna become like a new slave working class
7:26-8:22 A lot of men are gonna be following very similar ideologies even the pick-up artists, even though we don't like to admit that; I say MGTOW will go rapidly in the next 5/10/15 years, but definitely in 20 years I predict single moms will be through the roof and men are just gonna tune out

MGTOW Will Grow Rapidly,Kurama MGTOW,Itachi MGTOW,Itachi Uchiha,Itachi Reloaded,itachi mgtow reloaded,itachi uchiha mgtow,itachi reloaded,itachi reloaded snake,itachi reloaded mgtow,itachi reloaded patreon,HIM,SNAKE,Red Pill Mystic,Red Pill,Redpill,kurama mgtow archive channel,itachi reloaded archive channel,him archive channel,livecall,live call,The Stoic Sigma,

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