-GQ Magazine
This film is a knockout. It shows my city in a way I had never seen before.
- Abel Ferrara, Director
"Opens our eyes to an unknown world and speaks volumes."
- TV Bomb Glasgow
LA VOZ DE LOS SILENCIADOS (The Voice of the Voiceless) is a silent film takes us inside the mind and heartbreak of Olga, a deaf teenager brought from Latin America to New York City, under the false promise of attending a “Christian Sign Language School”. Upon arrival we enter a world of immigrant trafficking, and life is turned upside-down as she's enslaved by an international criminal ring. Forced to beg on the subway, Olga uses courage, cunning, and even humor, to face an unimaginable nightmare-on-loop that ravages the audience.
Directed and Written by Maximón Monihan
Produced by Sheena Matheiken
Cinematography by Miana Juanita Grafals and José Galleta
Starring: Janeva Adena Calderón Zentz, Ricky Powell, Pamela Guthrie, Kevin Tamayo, Señor Muerto, TOC, Vicente Carache, Gillian McKenzie, Gerardo Masis, Osvaldo Maciel