
[ENG] We need Serra da Bodoquena National Park. Save it!

[ENG] We need Serra da Bodoquena National Park. Save it! We call it the forest. But we could call it home. Everyone's house. And it really is the home of many of us: animals, plants, people. It stores, filters and protects the water that we drink, that bathes us and produces our food. It is the beginning and it is the end. In the forest, nothing is lost. One life begins where another ends in an ongoing cycle. We need to learn from the forests. They are abundance, they are generosity. The forests do not speak, they cannot call for help. But we can speak for them. And we can say: we need Serra da Bodoquena National Park. We need it alive and whole, with all its springs, all its streams, its caves, trees, and animals. With all its seeds and beauty. We need IT! We and our future generations.

Serra da Bodoquena National Park,bonito,brazil,

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