I get that Jack was not refering to Thomas fall in The Lead Mines (to be fair, The Nitrogen Studios set won't do much for Deep Trouble) but, how does he and Alfie know that? They didn't in Deep Trouble. Digs and Discoveries doesn't take place after the episode, because Darcy wasn't a member at the time or even with them in Italy.
I understand Kelly, Byron, Ned and Isobella not appearing in the CGI Series, but there could be other theories about busy in England. Yet, BoCo is non existent in the franchise for twenty two years, and i wouldn't care either way.
Nia and Rebecca are new to Thomas & Friends (specifically, Rebecca) yet, Henry and Edward still exist in the franchise after BWBA.
Henry and Edward are not what i call forgotten, because they have CGI renders unlike the four Pack members, but that doesn't mean the characters are going to be gone like Hiro and Gator (because, they gone back to their countries) it's very easy to bring Dennis back, and give some brother banter towards Norman, despite Dennis getting annoyed with him and call a feud.
Still, The Royal Engine should be about a real British locomotive, and not Rajiv or Noor Jehan bragging about themselves.