
A simple and effective remedy to slow down aging

A simple and effective remedy to slow down aging Adulthood has its virtues: established priorities, a wise outlook on life, less worries about what others think... However, we must admit that the physiological changes occurring in the body are not so positive. Physical and mental capabilities fade with age.
But here's what people noticed about it. The fact is that residents of countries with cold seas that regularly consume fatty fish - salmon, mackerel, mackerel, sardines, tuna, cod, trout and etc. are much less likely to suffer from heart attacks. They are less susceptible to diseases of the central nervous system, joints, as well as they have visual acuity and memory and brain activity for a long period of their life.
Doctors say that the secret is in fish oil, which the current generation at the age of "50+" used in food in their childhood to grow up healthy and strong.
In fact, fish oil is useful not only for children. The thing is that it is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are also called essential. At the same time, our body cannot develop them; it receives them only with food. The most important for the human body are omega-3 species such as DHA and EPA. The effect of fish oil on the adult body was so versatile that, for example, in the United States it was decided to register it as a medication Now in the States fish oil is sold as a simple and effective remedy for aging.
Getting into the body, omega-3 acids are introduced into the structure of cells and activate them. As a result, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the work of the brain is enhanced, blood pressure is normalized, there is a General strengthening effect on the human body, the aging process is slowed down... by the Way, it is established that people who use a sufficient amount of this.

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