
3 Number & Why It Act As Remedy For All Numbers NUMEROVASTU

3 Number & Why It Act As Remedy For All Numbers NUMEROVASTU What is 3 Number?

3 Number belongs to Jupiter which means DEVGURU, which means to give. 3 number people can achieve progress only when they starts to give from their core.

3 number people are very good speaker. They know how to use the best words while speaking. They are very good in showing path to others. If you see 3 number, it reflects OMKAAR. They have more insights in their self than compare to the people who belongs to other numbers. If any person belongs to any planet and is not coming under the control then 3 number people have that power to control those. During the match making if one is coming more times for the partners and if 3 number's vibration is added by the partner's numerology then number 3 person in the partnership will manage. Like you saw in the case study everything is there but 1, 1, 1 the energy of ego is more and 3 number person was complementing.

Why is it so?

Because 3 number belongs to insights, vision. Guru knows who will be his Arjun, who will be his Bheem, who will be his Nakul, who will be his Yudishter, who will be his Sehdev, Guru knows this. Guru knows everything, Guru knows about their students. Guru’s vision is much bigger. If you want successful partnership, then one number person should go with 3 Number person in a partnership. As 3 number person can manage 1 number person

If one number person will do partnership with the one number person then ego will always come and that partnership will not be successful.

If one number person will do partnership with 9 number person, they both are fiery in nature, aggression will be there, Fire element will come there and the partnership will not be so fruitful due to fiery nature.

If there is partnership of two person and that partnership is not going well then if a partner who has 3 Number will add in that partnership, then that new partner will manage the other (old) partners. 3 number person work as a intermidiator.

First of all, 3 Number people should be kind to others. Those who follows Hinduism,start take blessings from Lord Vishnu and they will get desired results. Persons who follows their Gurus, (following one Guru) they will achieve progress in their life. So 3 number Vibration works like this.

3 number person should always give, because the core of the person is to be kind to others. Whoever has 3 number vibrations and if he is not kind then that person will not achieve success in life.

People who belongs to 3 Number, for them the ideal direction is North East, I am telling the vaastu direction. You saw 14 case studies and those 14 case studies works 100% accurately.

Guru’s direction is North East, they have to avoid South West. Why they have to avoid South West?

Because if Guru acts like a Guru then it would be great. If Guru act like Rahu as Rahu is all about manipulation, then it will become like Chandaalyog in astrology, means if Guru stays grounded then this would be very good for him. But if ego comes in Guru, then Guru act as a Rahu. As Rahu believes I am the only one, then that time Guru acts like Rahu, this is known as Guru Chandaalyog.

So 3 number person should have to avoid 4 number person if they wants to do partnership with 4 number person, there will be lack of understanding. One has the feeling to give and the other one is manipulative. 4 number person believes in manipulation.

Rahu believes in short term gains as Gambling and the 3 number person has big vision, he believes in long term gain. Guru believes, as much as you will give, you will get back.

That is why difference of opinion comes in 3 number persons and 4 number persons.

Why there is a conflict between 3 number person and 6 number person, because one belongs to Devguru and the other one belongs to Daitya Guru(Shukracharya).

According to numerical formation both 3 number and 6 number are opposite to each other. As 3 number is Visionary and 6 number believes in Luxury. One believes to give and the other believes in self satisfaction.

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