
Web Application demo (Hostel Finder)

Web Application demo (Hostel Finder) The recently project that we have done is named as "HostelFinder".Through this web based application
those people who live outside from their city can easily find out the hostels at their desire places.

This app will help out the both users i.e. owner to advertise their hostel and to renter to search the hostel
at the place where he/she finds it more suitable to him.When the admin will receive the request of advertisement
of hostel on the behalf of owner then the admin will send one of his employee to go physically there and
see whether the provided hostel's data is not fake.If the employee give remarks in the negitive sense then the request
will be rejected based on the fake data while on the other hand it will be approved and advertised on
our website and will be available for searching.And through our app ,renter can search his hostel and buy
owner contact number .

Owner will be charged in the form of credits for advertisement of his hostel and renter
will be charged for buy the owner's phone number.


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