
Make Yourself A Priority

Make Yourself A Priority Hello & Happy Wednesday!

You know when you're on a plane and you hear the stewardess remind everyone that if you're with someone to always put on your oxygen mask first before you help others.
Yeah, well, that's life advice!

We have permission to put ourselves first so that we have the capacity to bring our best to those we love and to the things we love to do. Otherwise, we allow ourselves to get run down and then have the nerve to be resentful towards those very people and things that we love. So, if we want to bring our best of love, respect and compassion into the spaces of our lives, we MUST make ourselves a priority. I have a technique that I use and it helped me just the other day.

Let's use the month of October to develop the habit of making ourselves a priority and bringing our best into every relationship of our lives. Because we deserve that and so do they.
Listen to the video and let me know what kind of stuff is going in your list in the comments. Share. Like. Subscribe. Love.

With love and appreciation for your willingness to care for yourself and thereby make the planet a happier and healthier place, one person at a time (YOU), which even benefits me and mine, Maria Milagros


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