
Has 2019 Been A Bad Year For EVs?? (Incl. IONIQ Electric)

Has 2019 Been A Bad Year For EVs?? (Incl. IONIQ Electric) Even though I recently sold my UK house I've not gone out and splashed a load of money on a new EV here in Denmark... But why not, now I have (some of) the cash?

I think two main reasons. First, there's little movement on prices of electric cars. They are too high and not affordable for most people (me included!). I'm also now in Denmark and prices are even higher than back in the UK.

Second, a lack of innovation around what an EV can be is getting to me. Electric cars are not threatening and neatly substitute current cars with lower emissions and less harm to the planet... But I'm noticing how little fundamental re-thinking is taking place...

Time - and winter - may change all this but these are my thoughts for now... As usual, please subscribe if you'd like to see more videos from me and... bye for now!
Twitter @ZeroTailpipe

Hyundai IONIQ Electric,Tesla Model 3,UK,Denmark,Price Of EVs In 2019,More Affordable Electric Cars,Lack Of Innovation,Zero Tailpipe Emissions In Use,

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