Sam is a reclusive young man who finds solace with those who share the same self-described title as him: Incel. When his countless real-life efforts at love fail, Sam turns to this anonymous community of the “involuntarily celibate” for help, but instead finds himself increasingly pushed towards extremism.
Review on Short of the Week:
"...apart from being a brilliant conversation starter, Incel showcases some clever filmmaking, which can easily be overshadowed by the controversial subject matter. In fact, the reason why the short is so effective, has little to do with the themes it explores (there are plenty of terrible shorts which deal with misogyny, mental illness and gun violence) and everything to do with the restrained directorial decisions made throughout." - Serafima Serafimova
Written and Directed by John Merizalde
Cinematography by Sean Conaty
Produced by John Lusby and Brendan Varni
Starring: Théodore Pellerin, Meredith Adelaide, and John Y. Li
Production Company: Whitelist
Executive Producer: Jerad Anderson
Music: Miami Nights 1984