
Cutest Puppy on the Planet | NEEDS HIP SURGERY!

Cutest Puppy on the Planet | NEEDS HIP SURGERY! Cutest Puppy on the Planet | NEEDS HIP SURGERY!

We have recently found out that our puppy Harley was born with Hip Dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is a deformity of the hip that occurs during growth. Both of his hips are dislocated due to this.

Treatment depends upon the pet's clinical signs and amount of discomfort. The two most common surgical techniques for hip dysplasia are total hip replacement and femoral head ostectomy (FHO).

We've opted to do the FHO treatment as that would be best for him seeing he is only 7 months old, his recovery time will be quicker.

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Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Hey everyone,

Thank you so much for the support so far, it truly means a lot to us. We got one second opinion so far and we were told that Harley isn’t in much pain at the moment (just some discomfort) and that we may need to wait a little longer for him to finish growing to see what route to go with for sure.

We are still looking around to see what other vets have to say and what they recommend. I will keep you all updated as we receive more information.

Thank you again ❤️


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