
Connecting the six elements of storytelling to instructional design.

Connecting the six elements of storytelling to instructional design. There are six elements of storytelling and they tie quite well into instructional design, which is probably why storytelling is such an effective instructional technique.

1. Setting: Where does the story take place? Often in our learner's performance context.
2. Characters: Our learner, or a surrogate, should most often be the main character.
3. Plot. What is the actual story? We should let the learning strategy form our plot.
4. Conflict: Whatever form our conflict or challenge takes it should directly be tied to the overall learning objectives.
5. Theme: The theme of the story is the main idea or underlying meaning and it should tie back to our performance objectives.
6. Narrative Arc: We covered a great deal of the narrative arch in previous videos when we discussed the hero's journey. The narrative arch is what keeps the story moving and keeps our learners engaged.


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