
Will the Awesome x3650 M1 be able to handle 60TB - 877

Will the Awesome x3650 M1 be able to handle 60TB - 877 I am testing out a 10TB hard drive that had reported bad and was replaced. I am putting it in, the Awesome IBM x3650 M1 (7979). But to do that I have to also put in a ServerRAID M5015 raid controller. Because the ServerRAID 8K in the x3650 M1 is limited to 2TB drives.

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I love working with heating, insulation, Servers, computers, Datacenter, green power, alternative energy, solar, wind and more. It all costs, but I'm trying to get the most out of my money, and my time.

Playhouse,DIY,Lenovo,Data Center,lenovo Server,Home Server,Home Data Center,10TB,x3650 M1,7979,ServerRAID,M5015,ServerRAID M5015,ServerRAID 8K,

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