
Transport Fever Scenic Excursions ep25 - Fuel for Hartlepool

Transport Fever Scenic Excursions ep25 - Fuel for Hartlepool We haul fuel from Eastleigh Refinery to Hartlepool Railway Freight Station, then return. Our train consists of a London Midland & Scottish (LMS) Stanier 8F 2-8-0 steam locomotive, provided by SteveM4, pulling a string of tank wagons. We’ve ridden much of this route before, as long ago as episode 8, as recently as episode 23. Much scenic change has occurred since episode 8 premiered. As to the stretch of track common to both episodes 23 & 25, sufficient train interactions occur to keep things interesting. Or so I hope.

SteveM4’s ‘Stanier 8F’ is available at Steam Workshop, bundled with a Stanier ‘Black 5’:

The video includes an opening overhead floating-camera scene, central ‘ride-along / cab-ride’ segment, and brief static-camera closing clip. The first two utilize camera positions provided by VacuumTube’s ‘Advanced Camera Views,’ a departure from Wicked’s ‘Camera Views Add-on,’ which is what I normally use.

VacuumTube’s ‘Advanced Camera Views’ at Steam Workshop:

Mine is a loosely mid 1930s steam era map, made possible by Time Warp, the No End Year series, various asset and other mods. I cheat a bit when/as needed, as true 1930s era assets are understandably not common. (Locos and wagon are reasonably well represented, otherwise…)

The map is NOT modeled on any specific railway(s). Nor does it maintain consistent nationality. City names are what random generation gave me, bearing no relation to their real-life counterparts. Rolling stock and assets from many nations mix freely together, though of late I’ve developed a tendency to use British locos and wagons where practicable, which isn’t always the case.

Titles and text narrative. No vocal commentary or music.

I do not claim to be good at adding track-side scenery, but merely enjoy doing so. As to non scenic aspects of my current map, I admit to a great many failures. Too many. So numerous, so fundamental I’ve all but given up attempts to correct them.

Transport,Railway,Railroad,Train,Scenery,Scenic,landscape,Stanier 8F,2-8-0,steam locomotive,steam,steam era,locomotive,Tank wagon,tank car,route,train line,Hartlepool,Eastleigh,Dunwich,Mainline,Refinery,Fuel,Oil Refinery,mods,SteveM4,Advanced Camera Views,VacuumTube,cab ride,ride along,Freight Station,1930s,London Midland & Scottish,LMS,Freight train,

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