The process for Trademark Registration is not a complex one, here it's explained very simply. The first stage for Trademark Registration is a Trademark search, through Trademark Registry's website www.ipindia.nic.in, we shall make a detailed Trademark Search to ensure the availability of Trademark. Once the mark is positive for registration, then Stage 2 is Trademark Filing along with Trademark User Evidence. Once the TM Number is obtained the proprietor can use TM after the logo or name. Then Stage 3 is Examination, the examiner will examine the application and provide the examination report if there is any deviation in the norm, the application would be an objection and we need to submit a Reply. The application will be published in the Trademark Journal. If there is no objection, then the mark will be Opposed. If there is no opposition, the application will be Registered.
Stage 1: Search
Stage 2: Filing
Stage 3: Examination
Stage 4: Reply
Stage 5: Journal Publication
Stage 6: Oppositon
Stage 7: Certification
The registration is valid for 10 years.
The entire process is clearly described in English. The law firm for Trademark Registration is located at Bangalore.
Le Intelligensia Law Firm