
My Dad's Girlfriend Brought Lovers Home While He Was On Business Trip || Best True Stories Animated

My Dad's Girlfriend Brought Lovers Home While He Was On Business Trip || Best True Stories Animated New 2019 animated stories that actually happened!




Hey, guys. I'm Nicole. My dad and I have recently found ourselves in a terrible living situation. The thing is, we had to leave our previous house because I almost burned it down. Ok, I'll tell you everything.
I used to live in some not so great neighborhoods with my dad. He changed jobs pretty often and we've had to move regularly. But recently he was hired by a very prestigious law firm, so things have been improving. In addition, he even started a relationship with someone. Oh yeah! When this happened I was like, "Wow, dad is back in the game, cool!" As it turns out, he had started dating his boss - Amanda. And then I was like, "Umm… is that even allowed?" I was just thinking that their jobs could affect their relationship, and things might fall apart fast. But a few months later, we moved into her house. And I have to say, we're starting to have a great life. It was not just a house, it was a mansion. And for the first time in my life, I had my own room, and the house had a swimming pool and a gym. I was just so happy. Until that fateful day...

I was just wandering around downtown when I walked past a restaurant window. I glanced inside and then I was like "Wait, what?" I took a step back, looked through the window again, and was very surprised. Dad`s girlfriend was sitting at a table and she was kissing another man! Then she looked up and saw me staring at them. She got up and walked to the door. Oooh, I was so angry at that moment. I was going to say a few choice words to her, but she immediately stopped me. She's the kind of woman who dominates, you know. She asked me what I wanted in exchange for not telling my dad about what I had seen. This made me even angrier. I started saying that my dad loves her and accusing her of cheating on him. And then she gave me an ultimatum. If I tell my dad what I saw, she'll fire him and kick us out of the house. I knew how much my dad loved this job, and how much he hoped it would help him get on with his life. So I agreed to keep my mouth shut.

But I obviously felt very sorry for my dad. He worked very hard. Even when he got home from work that day, he was still sitting at the table through the night, sorting out a giant stack of papers. She gave him a huge amount of work, so much so that it was like he was doing the work of two people at that time. I have no idea where he found the time to sleep. But dad loved this job and he put his heart and soul into it. And he didn't even know what his girlfriend was doing. Because of this, my relationship with her became strained. I knew what she was really like. And she knew that I knew. And we kept our agreement in silence.

One day my father came to me with good news. He was chosen to be an assistant in some negotiations. This was a big responsibility and a big step forward for him. So he had to fly away on a business trip for a whole week. Dad was incredibly happy about it. So I took him to the airport and watched as his plane left. Then Amanda said, "You see how well we're doing. You keep quiet, and your dad will get a promotion. Keep up the good work." Oh, damn. And I had to live with her alone for a whole week.

She started having fun from day one. Amanda would come home very late, and some days she didn't even show up until the morning. You don't have to be a detective to figure out what she was doing. The last straw of my patience was one morning when I went down for breakfast, and a strange man sat at the table with Amanda. They smiled and giggled at each other the whole time. It was then that I knew I couldn't take it anymore. She was not even shy about doing it in front of me. It's not just disrespect, it's more like mockery. Dad works 24/7 while she cheats on him. No. I was going to tell dad everything. Even if Amanda fired him after that, my father didn't deserve to be treated like this.

The first day he came back, I told him everything. I told him about the first time I saw her with another man, and about our arrangement, and of course about the last week when she went completely nuts. It was hard for me to upset my dad, but he had to know the truth. This information puzzled him. He thought for a few minutes, and then he said that he was not going leave her at that moment. His future in the company depended on her decision, and now is not the time to start a fight. Oh. My. God. I started yelling at him. I was trying to prove to him that she was just using him and that she was keeping him close just so he could do work for her.

Music by Epidemic Sound:

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