“Just a trim?” asked the barber casually as he finished combing her hair.
“Actually I’d like you to cut my hair very short. I’m always busy… I don’t know when I’ll be able to get my hair cut again,”remarked my Aunt.
“So exactly how short do you want me to cut it?” asked the barber.
“I want you to cut my hair into a chin length bob. And clean up my nape please,” instructed aunty Dondie.
“Thats fine… but im going to have to use the clippers to cut your hair because of the amount i need to shear off.” he said flatly. Aunty Dondie honestly didnt mind, she was just grateful that the barber was willing to clip her hair into that short haircut she desired.
Comb in hand, the barber picked up his clippers and turned them on. The sudden buzzing sound made my aunt jump. The barber smirked, stifling a laugh and combed out a large section of her hair on the left side of her head. He bent her head down so that her chin was nestled above her breasts, her eyes fixed on her shoes. Aunty Dondie was now ready to be shorn in the barbershop. With his comb holding the hair in place, using the clippers over comb technique, he viciously clipped off a large chunk of my aunt’s hair. Aunty Dondie watched as the mass of what used to be her gorgeous black hair slide off the cape and on to the ground. Her youngest son began to cry, clearly uncomfortable seeing his mother sitting on a barber chair having her lustrous locks barbered off, but he was reasurred by his mothers smile.
Don't Missed to watch the longest Version in #1
Music Source:
Audio Library – No Copyright Music
Music For Creators – No Copyright Music
Hairshow TV